It all began with an idea.
What if we didn’t carry meaningless weight in our rucksacks anymore but rucked something useful?
Many sketches later, and a focus on functionality, we conceived of the Ruck Paincake: a flat, functional weight with dumbbell and kettlebell handles that could fit in a bag but be used for outdoor fitness, garage gym workouts, Crossfit, F3, Camp Gladiator and so much more.
We took a 2x10 piece of wood and shaped and sanded it into something similar to our sketch.
Then, we molded it and got our first cast iron part. It was revolutionary for us, never having seen anything like it.
From there we went full bore with iterations and styles until we settled on something we loved: a stout, minimalist Paincake with raised lettering and a gunmetal finish.
After experimenting with clear-coats and laser engravings and paracord wrappings, we also fell in love with a camo cerakote and the rest is history.
All grown up, we think it’s the best ruck weight ever made. Rugged, multipurpose, sexy and clever is a dangerous combo.
If you helped us bring this to life by supporting our Kickstarter, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Enjoy those delicious gains!